Tuesday 30 August 2011

27/08/2011 Cuban timeeeeee

esto lo voy a escribis en español , 1 por practicar y 2 para que la puta tenga que traducirlo .. y ademas porque se lo dije a Alia y no quiero mentir :L
bueno pues los cubanos - la aereomosa y el piloto vinieron a comer paella y todo lo que mis padres cocinaron , que fue muchisiiiimo , ya estabamos a punto de esplotar cuando nos dimos cuenta que heran las 11 de la noche y hora de dormir. Laura se quedo en el cuarto de mi hermana y Orlando en el mio. Por la mañana fuimos al supermercado donde Laura compro demasiados juguetes para su hija  y orlando muchas libretas para los suyos que estan apunto de empezar la universisad. Despues fuimos al restaurante de IKEA y ellos comieron albondigas y yo comi un pastel. despues los llevamos a su hotel y nosostros regresamos a la casa a descansar que lo necesitabamos!

25/08/2011 GCSE Results day

so i woke up at like 8 to get to school as early as possible to get my GCSEs i was bricking it cos i thought i did so bad but turns out i actually did good! since ima be reading back on this in the next years i better write what i got right? so i got  A* in spanish and french. A in english lit, maths and physics. B in biology ,chemistry, ICT and art and a C in R.E . overall i was really happy with my result given that i though i was gonna do shit.
anyway so after we got our results we went out to eat at cosmos with the nerd herd (minus franco) and then tempin to play some snooker and this weird pirate videogame .. twas quite fun but i think we spent like 5 pound in total on it :S
after we went to Paulas and smoked shisha and had non alcoholic shots like the begs we are.so the boys went home and i asked paula to pierce my ear, so she did , so yh now i got a second ear piercing foh freeeeee!!

Monday 22 August 2011

22/08/2011 Camden Town

When i look back at this blog posts in two years time or whatever im sure im gonna think that i was such a saddo .. in literally every post i talk about how i went out with Alia and Paulina aka my only friends... damn i need a life ASAP.
But yeah................................. the hoes and me went to Camden market to check out what it was about since we'd never been there , its such a cool place i cant even describe it , i just love it and the weather was nice and we kept seein hottttaaaays so that's a plus... we bought like two bracelets each or something like that from this little shop that was packed full of goodies that were so random and didnt seem to belong next to each other. but i love that kind of eclectic mix , it just made the shop look that much more bohemian and chillaxed. Afterards we went to Brent Cross shopping center and looked around for a bit until Alia decided she had to go cadets so we went home.

21/08/2011 CAT CHARITY

Alia.. being the cat lady that she is ,signed me and Paula up to help out at a charity event for cats. So we got there and there were literally like 8 stalls at most selling old perfumes/teacups/photo frames and whatnot, the only good stall was the one that sold those banging cupcakes oh my god they were delish. So yeah we were in charge of the jewellery stall and to be completely honest it was not as boring as i thought it was gonna be but still pretty shit :S we sold about 20 items of old and unwanted jewellery and made like £35 which is not that bad so ,meeeh its aiiiight. after e went to Paulas to chill for a bit and smoke shisha. went home at like 6 and thats it  ,ate and stalked loads of blogs :)

Friday 19 August 2011

16/08/2011 Oxford street with mah hoe ,yah get meh?

i dont have any pictures from today but oh well i dont care i can just write right?
so Alia and i went oxford street to go Forever21 which has just opened in london and we were anxious to check the stuff out. At first we were kinda let down by it because it was just like a fancy H&M but then we saw the jewelery and fell head over heels for the massive collection of dirt-cheap accesories.
i bought two long necklaces and a pair of earings and alia bought i think two earings and a bracelet maybe? anyway then we walked a bit to miss selfridge and alia bought her goooorgeous black velvet wedges which she could not walk in to save her life. we walked a bit through oxford street until it just got too embarrasing because she just kept stumbling and leaning on me so she changed to her flats and made me go home and buy my own pair off ebay for less than half the money she spent on hers.
that was a good day to be honest .. i got home and i couldnt stop smiling cos it was just a genuinely fun day .. wtf is wrong with me? i need a boyfriend -_-

one of the necklaces i bought :)

14/08/11 Eastbourne Airshow

My mum , my dad and i went so eastbourne which is a town by the beach to see all these RAF planes fly and make as much noise as possible. it was ok due to the weather and the food but the planes were boooooooooring exceot for the loud ones, i kinda liked them ..

dont be fooled, they were disgusting

Saturday 13 August 2011

13/08/2011 pointless summer days

i never know how to start this posts ughhh anyway... we had planned to go to the swimming pool since paula and i haven't swam in a whole year but in the end we just went Bromley, ate some Mcdicks and came back to Paulas house to smoke shisha.


sucha pro.. the paki ;)

purely cos Pablo's face made me wee just a lil bit


u wanted to be in the picture? HERE YOU GO

gotta love my abdul